Friday, October 26, 2012

The First Step

"Take the first step in faith. You may not see the entire staircase, just take the first step."
-Martin Luther King
Thirty-six hours ago, I began reading Tweet Sering's book Astigirl, and I am currently enjoying it, even if sometimes (maybe 50% of the time) I strongly disagree with what she says. When reading her book I'm either smiling from ear to ear and occasionally giggling, or I'm furrowing my eyebrows and frowning in a personal/public display of disapproval. Sometimes I praise her as a genius who put to words the brilliant thoughts that were always in my mind and the minds of all soon-to-be great thinkers of our generation (Sorry for the self ego boost), but could not commit to paper, but then there are times when I call her an idiot who knows nothing about the world, blabbering on and on about things beyond her ken.

To sum it all up, my thoughts on Astigirl are mixed. (When I say this, I mean that my thoughts on the THOUGHTS in Astigirl are mixed, but the writing is consistently brilliant) Tweet Sering's essays may drive me to cyclothymic mood swings and I alternate between wanting to frame her words of inspiration and setting the entire book aflame, but she did one thing that I really appreciate; she inspired me to start writing, which I believe was one of her goals; to inspire people to write. (She advocates writing in one of the later chapters of the book, as a means of organizing one's thoughts. You may note that I have a very disorganized writing style, and I have to ask forgiveness for that fact, I am a very amateurish writer)

I end this inaugural blog entry of mine by saying: Thank you Tweet Sering, for inspiring me to write, even if it's just on a blog. You have helped me bring order to the chaotic landscape that is my mind.

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